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GaliLego Enrichment Program

Young Engineers GalilegoChildren’s games are significant;

They have a tremendous role shaping the child’s life”

– e² Young Engineers –


The GaliLEGO program investigates mechanical systems from a real engineer’s point of view. The program focuses on finding solutions using teamwork in order to build complex machines. Children will explore the mechanical, mathematical and physical aspects of machinery and the logic process that goes into building them.

 Suitable for: 5th–9th grade OR Young Engineers’ LEGO Challenge graduates

Average lesson duration: 75 minutes

Young Engineers LEGO Challenge Enrichment Program

The Values and Goals

The main goal of the GaliLEGO enrichment program is to provide children with theoretical knowledge on the basic principles of mathematics, science and engineering using motorized LEGO® and other methods that produce motion. The program also aims to train children to solve practical riddles. The highlight of each lesson is the building stage of a model that demonstrates the lesson’s subject using LEGO® bricks. Each participant receives our unique Young Engineers kit which has been designed and manufactured especially for this purpose.

Program Subjects Include

  • Basic and complex mathematics: instructors teach basic math, from addition and subtraction to exponents.
  • Powers and principles in physics: centrifugal and centripetal forces, the power of inertia, potential energy, kinetic energy, action and reaction law, buoyancy, torques, fulcrum, load division, angular momentum, and more.Archimedes, Sir Isaac Newton, Einstein, and more.
GaliEGO Values

  • Develops motor skills
  • Encourages creative thinking
  • Develops the ability to analyze engineering process
  • Expands horizons and general knowledge in physics and various natural phenomena
  • Builds self-confidence and the sense of capability
  • Strengthens social aptitude
  • Develops communication and teamwork ability

Building and Investigating

  • Useful pneumatic tools
  • Various launchers
  • Construction equipment
  • Amusement park rides
  • Various animals
  • Marble runs
  • Various vehicles Building
  • Models related to holidays
  • Other complex machines that require high skills and teamwork ability