Please click on a Question to get our Answer
Q: What is the logic in having a 4th grader sit in the same class as a 1st grader?
Q: What is the logic in having a 4th grader sit in the same class as a 1st grader?
Answer: In the course of Young Engineers enrichment programs, children are exposed to educational materials they do not usually learn in school at their age. Some adults might not even know the principles taught. As such, Young Engineers enrichment programs presents a level theoretical study platform to all. The models come with parts that enables every child to build and invent according to their passions and ability. That being said, there might be a social gap so if a 5th grader attends the Young Engineer program with many 1st graders, we recommend he attend the program with a fellow interested classmate or friend.
Q: Aren't the lessons too long? Don’t the children lose interest?
Q: Aren't the lessons too long? Don’t the children lose interest?
Answer: They really don’t. At the start of each lesson they are taught a subject, following which they are eager to get started with the construction in order that they can play with the final product. When the lesson is over, most don’t even realize how much time has passed.
Q: Can a 1st grader understand the substance of the lessons?
Q: Can a 1st grader understand the substance of the lessons?
Answer: Our enrichment programs are especially made for children of this age group. Our programs and workshops have been active for a number of years now, and all have enjoyed great success. Each lesson includes a familiar background story with corresponding live experiments. I invite you to ask the children at the end of the lesson what they learned and you’ll be surprised to hear how much they can comprehend at this age.
Q: My child is 5 and half (preschool), he’s gifted and is interested in participating. Why isn't it possible?
Q: My child is 5 and half (preschool), he’s gifted and is interested in participating. Why isn't it possible?
Answer: Even though your child is gifted, he needs to know reading and writing, and also a little more complex math than addition and subtraction. Therefore we recommend waiting an additional year to avoid any frustration the child might feel in case he is unable to keep up with the rest of the class. We will be very happy to see your child next year.
Q: Do the children take the models home?
Q: Do the children take the models home?
Answer: Unfortunately, the kits used are very expensive and are therefore must remain with the instructor, whom will pass them from class to class. Children do however take home what they learn, which includes physics, mathematics and engineering. That being said, you can purchase a Young Engineers Kit for your child at
Q: What is the price of the enrichment programs?
Q: What is the price of the enrichment programs?
Answer: We are a company that deals with practical subjects, and make sure that the child returns home educated, experienced and happy. For prices please ask the center where you would like your child to participate, for each center calculates its own prices according to its costs. However, we don’t charge for disposable equipment (batteries, malfunction engines, wires, broken pieces, and broken kit.)
Q: How long are the programs and how often do they take place?
Q: How long are the programs and how often do they take place?
Answer: The LEGO programs are mostly 75 minutes long; The K’nex program are 45. Both take place throughout the year.
Q: Is it possible to attend a trial lesson?
Q: Is it possible to attend a trial lesson?
Answer: Certainly. Our trial sessions are free of charge. In the case that you decide to continue with the program, you’ll need to pay for the entire program, which includes a charge for the trial lesson.
Q: What happens if a lesson is cancelled due to a holiday?
Q: What happens if a lesson is cancelled due to a holiday?
Answer: The center can answer this question. In any case, usually the yearly week-per-month average is 4.35, so on months that have 5 weeks we don’t charge more and vice versa.
Q: Can I sit with my child during class?
Q: Can I sit with my child during class?
Answer: Staying with your child is not recommended. The goal of the program is for the child to manage by himself, and try to deal with different tasks. Additionally, there is the problem that if you escort your child, every child will want his parents there, and this can cause problems for the instructor.
Q: How big are your groups?
Q: How big are your groups?
Answer: Up to 16 children in a classroom.
Q: Does each child receive a kit?
Q: Does each child receive a kit?
Answer: Each child or pair receive a kit, depending on the type and complexity of the model constructed. In cases when children work in pairs, each child constructs a different stage and at the end they connect both pieces to one model.
Q: Who are the instructors?
Q: Who are the instructors?
Answer: We hire instructors that have experience working with children. Each instructor has undertaken a special Young Engineers training course, which includes live field training with experienced instructors.
Q: Are your instructors engineers?
Q: Are your instructors engineers?
Answer: No. most of our instructors are not engineers. Yet, our instructors are very intelligent and have been qualified on our special training course. Anything children can learn and build our instructors can learn and explain.
Q: Do I need to bring anything to class?
Q: Do I need to bring anything to class?
Answer: Only a good mood. We provide the rest.
Q: Is it possible to buy the enrichment programs kit?
Q: Is it possible to buy the enrichment programs kit?
Answer: The kit itself is manufactured in Israel outside of the LEGO® factories. The parts are imported from different locations around the globe and regrettably we have permission to use these kits only for supervised teaching. So for now, the Young Engineers kit is not available to purchase.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to Contact Us